I have been sitting on this one for a while because I couldn't get my scanner working for the template but here you go...
I don't know about other little people, but mine is like a waterfall of dribble (and usually snot) when she's teething. Plus a coordinating dribble bib looks very cute!
Dribble Bibs are quick and easy to knock up with very little time and fabric, plus they make great gifts for a new baby.
What you will need......
- Cotton fabric for the top
- For the lining I use muslin cloths that have got stained, other suggestions are knit, terry cloth or flannel.
- Template
- 1-1.5inch of Velcro or Poppers also called snaps
- Contrasting thread
- Pins
- Fabric pencils/Vanishing pen
- Scissors

The top fabric is the sleeve of an old tshirt that has been stamped with fabric paint. Fabric paint is so much funnnnnnnn.
TWO (If your using Velcro) Attach one side of the Velcro to the right size of the top fabric near the corner. and in the same place on the lining fabric attach the second bit of Velcro
THREE Pin the 2 fabrics right size together, then sew around it leaving a 2inch gap at the end, so it can be turned the right way out.
FOUR Trim the corners makes it easier to turn out. Once turned give it a quick press (careful of the Velcro) and hand or machine sew close the gap.

FIVE Stitch around the outside to make it lay flatter and pop it around your little persons neck.
SIX Sit back make yourself a cup of tea and enjoy not having to change their clothing every 10 mins.
One happy Squiggle!!
Have you spotted the dress made from this fabric!?! I will write a tutorial but I completely forgot to take picture when I made that one. Fail
Mine cost a grand total of a bit of thread. Recycling at its best!
For other ideas on how to personise your dribble bibs pop over to my Pinterest. http://uk.pinterest.com/k8efrew/dribble-bib/
Have a lovely week xx